Cheung Shu Sun

Hong Kong
Born in Hong Kong in 1946. Cheung began studying Chinese painting with Lui Shou-Kwan in 1960 and was one of Lui’s first students. Cheung’s first solo exhibition was sponsored by Chatham Gallery, Hong Kong in 1964. One of his works was selected for the 3rd Hong Kong International Salon of Paintings that same year, and the painting was collected by the Hong Kong Museum of Art for the permanent collection.

In 1970, he was invited to exhibit alongside nine Hong Kong young artists, in the exhibition “Hong Kong Young Emerging Artists” organized by the Hong Kong Museum of Art. Cheung studied Applied Design Certificate Course at the Extramural Studies Department of Chinese University of Hong Kong from 1967-69. He then started his design career and worked as an Art Director for many top design firms. He established his own design company in 1976 and lectured frequently as part-time and guest lecturer in Hong Kong Polytechnic. Cheung, along with other top local designers, co-founded the Hong Kong Institute of Visual Studies in 1980. He moved to the USA in 1986, currently, he works and lives in Hong Kong and New York. In the last decade, Cheung has received eight important awards in Hong Kong and overseas. He has been exhibited extensively in Hong Kong, Guangzhou, Tokyo, Osaka, New York, Chicago, San Francisco, Buenos Aires, Tehran, and Czechoslovakia. The Hong Kong Museum of Art and numerous private collectors have collected his works.


1946    Born in Hong Kong 
1960    Began studying Chinese painting with Lui Shou-Kwan, was one of Lui’s earliest students
1967-69    Studied Applied Design Certificate Course, Extra Mural Studies Department, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
1969    Started his design career and worked as an Art Director for many top design firms
1976    Established his own design company 
Taught night classes at the Hong Kong Polytechnic, Hong Kong
1980    Along with other top local designers, co-founded the Hong Kong Chingying Institute of Visual Arts
1982    Joined an exchange programme managed by the Education and Cultural Affairs, United States
1986    Moved to the United States
Present Member of AIGA (American Institute of Graphic Arts), New York, United States
Works and lives in Hong Kong and New York


  • Shui Mo – The New Spirit of Chinese Tradition, Hong Kong Arts Centre, Hong Kong
  • Exhibited in New York, Chicago, San Francisco, Tehran, Tokyo, Osaka, Guangzhou, Hong Kong
  • Biennale of Graphic Art, Brno, Czechoslovakia 
  • Hong Kong Young Artists Group Exhibition, featuring nine artists, City Hall Museum and Art Gallery, Hong Kong
  • Solo exhibition, Chatham Gallery, Hong Kong
  • 3rd Hong Kong International Salon of Paintings, Hong Kong City Hall, Hong Kong  

1982   International Communication Association Award, United States

Hong Kong Museum of Art, Hong Kong

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